Using KORs UI

How do I use the KOR Reports UI?


This article provides an overview of the KOR reporting UI. The following How To Guides are available here:

Reporting UI Main screen

Selecting Reporting from the menu opens the Report Definition screens. There are two views available:

  1. Group by Type
  2. Group by Status

Group by Type

In the "Group by Type" view all report definitions are grouped within their report report type. By default the report definitions are sorted by creation date, with the newest first. Use the display options on the top right to sort the report definitions, and the groups, by last job start ( if a last job is available ).

If you want to limit the report definitions and group shown on the screen,  you can use the free text search or the available filters on the top right.

Your selection of opened groups is remembered across sessions on your device.  Use the expand / collapse button on the top right to open or close all groups.


Group by Status

The "Group by Status" view is pretty similar to the "Group by Type", the only difference is that all report definitions are grouped based on the status of the last job of each report definition. This leads to potentially 5 groups: 

  1. No job run yet 
  2. Job in progress 
  3. Last Job successful 
  4. Last Job failed 
  5. Last Job timed out


Both group views return all reports for your selected entity. This includes the reports the user generated themselves or created by other users for the same entity, so that any user can download all available reports for his entity. 

KOR Reports are structured using concepts of Report Types, Report Definitions and Report Jobs:

  • Report Types - these define what data the report accesses, how it is processed and outputted.  Report types are pre-defined by KOR and the applicable regulator and define which parameters are available when creating a report definition
  • Report Definitions - allow the user to create an individual report based on selected parameters that are available for the applicable report type. Report definitions serve as a base for Report job runs and can re-used to run individual report jobs. (e.g., a report on Commodities vs. Interest Rate messages)
  • Report Jobs - are the result of executed Report Definitions.  There can be multiple Report Jobs from a single Report Definition. (e.g., messages submitted last calendar day run daily) and for each job run the available parameters of the report definition can be overridden.