Agreements & Onboarding

What are the requirements of an Administrator User?


Clients are required to maintain at least two Administrative Users on the KOR System. This information must be provided in order to execute the KOR Client Agreement. The correct contact information must be kept up to date at all times. 

Administrative Users will be the main point of contact for KOR’s Client Services in regard to urgent issues

Administrative Users are responsible for:

  1. Creating, managing, and removing access to their company’s Users (reference: Create and manage a user as an admin). Client’s designated Administrative Users are expected to maintain correct User access at all times.
  2. Creating, managing, and removing access to to other Clients who are eligible to access the KOR System on behalf of the Client including Third-party Client access
  3. At a minimum of quarterly, review access level reports for all users
  4. At a minimum of quarterly, review access level reports for all Delegated Reporter client's access.


When one or both of the Client’s designated Administrative Users needs to be amended, the Client must contact KOR Client Service (