How do I resolve a dispute on the accuracy of my data?

KOR has established procedures and provides facilities for effectively resolving disputes over the accuracy of the SDR Data and positions that are recorded in the Swap Data Repository.

When the Reporting Counterparty does not agree with the accuracy of the reporting of a swap in KOR SDR, but are prevented from amending the swap to what they believe to be accurate, the Client must follow the following steps:

    1. Enter a ticket with KOR SDR support with the details of the issue; and
    2. Submit an allowed value per the KOR SDR Technical Specifications for the message type "Dispute". For the  KOR SDR field “Reporting Counterparty Dispute Reason”. The allowed values are a high-level indication of the issue. Sample values may include but are not limited to: “No accurate UPI available” or “KOR SDR Technical Specifications do not allow for accurate representation”. Clients may contact KOR SDR to add additional values, but these values will be at the discretion of KOR SDR.
    3. Once the dispute has been resolved an "Undispute" Message should be submitted to update the disputed status of the transaction. 

References: CFTC Rule(s) §49.10(f).