Using KORs UI

Why can't I see my submission?

Understand submission access permissions

KOR data access model leverages 3 pieces of information to determine whether a message will be accepted and processed by KOR:

- the role of the User (set in KOR Central)

- message Submitter ID (the entity who is providing the data to KOR SDR)

- message Reporter ID (the entity with reporting obligation)

Note: currently, if a message does not contain the above 3 elements in line with the users credentials, the message will fail authorization and a record will not be created. A submission ID will be provided to the user, but searching for this will not result in any records. 

The following logic is used to determine whether a message will be processed by KOR for Counterparty Clients:

CP Client User Role

Submitter ID LEI

Reporter ID LEI

KOR Processing Outcome

Admin /


Associated with user ID

Same as Submitter ID


Admin / Participant

Associated with user ID

different than Submitter ID



Associated with user ID
