Manage account and users

As a user for a client what data do I have access to?

The KOR TR System will allow Users to view full trade details associated with any individual swap and all associated messages, errors and reports which they have permission to view where their Client LEI is one of the following fields:

  1. Central counterparty

  2. Clearing member

  3. Counterparty 1

  4. Counterparty 2

  5. Submitter identifier

  6. Reporter identifier *

  7. Agent **

For swaps executed on a SEF or DCM, the SEF or DCM may access the swap that they had the requirement to report, but not any data subsequently reported by the Reporting Counterparty. 

Clearing Members that have executed the appropriate KOR Universal Services Agreement and applicable Addendums may access swaps where they are listed as the Clearing Member. 

Investment Managers that have executed the appropriate KOR Universal Services Agreement and applicable Addendums and been granted access from their managed funds which are Clients, may access swaps where they are a counterparty or the executing agent.

Note: on the Submissions and Rejections UI only trades where you were the Submitter Identifier, Reporter Identifier, or Other Submitter Identifer will be returned. 

* Reporter identifier: This field was added by KOR to identify who the Submitter identifier is submitting on behalf of for access validation. This will not always be counterparty 1, as the Submitter may be a Delegated Reporter for a SEF with the requirement to report.

** Agent 4: KOR SDR has added the Agent field in order to correctly permission investment managers to view trades where they were the execution agent but are not the counterparty or submitter.