What requirements do non-reporting counterparty's have?

Part 45: Notification of error identification

Any non-Reporting Counterparty that by any means becomes aware of any error in the Swap Data for a swap to which it is the non-Reporting Counterparty, shall notify the Reporting Counterparty for the swap of the error ASATP after discovery, but not later than three Business Days following discovery of the error. If the non-Reporting Counterparty does not know the identity of the Reporting Counterparty, the non-Reporting Counterparty shall notify the SEF or DCM where the swap was executed of the error ASATP after discovery, but no later than three Business Days following the discovery. Such notice from the non-Reporting Counterparty to the SEF, DCM, or Reporting Counterparty constitutes discovery.

References: CFTC Rule(s) §45.14(a)(2).

Part 43: Notification of error identification

Any non-Reporting Counterparty that by any means becomes aware of any error in the Swap Transaction and Pricing Data for a swap to which it is the non-Reporting Counterparty, shall notify the Reporting Counterparty for the swap of the error ASATP after discovery, but not later than three Business Days following discovery of the error. If the non-Reporting Counterparty does not know the identity of the Reporting Counterparty, the non-Reporting Counterparty shall notify the SEF or DCM where the swap was executed of the error ASATP after discovery, but no later than three Business Days following the discovery. Such notice from the non-Reporting Counterparty to the SEF, DCM, or Reporting Counterparty constitutes discovery.

References: CFTC Rule(s) §43.3(e)(2).