Manage account and users

What is an API user and who can get access?

An API (Application Programming Interface) user is a type of user that can be requested for each firm registered with the TR, in addition to the standard admin and participant user types. The API user will allow firms to programmatically submit and retrieve transactions to/from the TR.

Access to the KOR TR API is granted at the environment level for Integration (UAT) and Production and access to each environment is permissioned separately. Additionally, users must first pass conformance testing before being granted access to Production.

Access by Market Participant

Any counterparty that has executed a Client Agreement may access SDR Data to which they are a party to. In order to execute a Client Agreement, the market participant must first obtain and provide their LEI to KOR SDR. Where a Client has authorized a third-party service provider or another Client under the same ultimate parent to submit on its behalf and/or access its data, KOR will provide access to the Delegated Reporter or Client as long as it has executed the Client Agreement and appropriate annexes, and the Client has granted permission through the Client Portal.

As a general policy, KOR SDR requires all applicants to execute and submit Client Agreements in electronic form only.  Paper copies will not be accepted. Any exceptions to this general policy must be granted in advance by the CCO or their designee. All Client Agreements will be maintained in accordance with KOR SDR’s recordkeeping policies.

For swaps executed on a SEF or DCM, the SEF or DCM may access the swap that they had the requirement to report, but not any data subsequently reported by the Reporting Counterparty. 

Clearing members that have executed the appropriate Client Agreement and annexes may access swaps where they are listed as the clearing member. 

Investment managers that have executed the appropriate Client Agreement and annexes and been granted access from their managed funds which are Clients, may access swaps where they are a counterparty or the executing agent. 


References CFTC Rule §49.17(f)(1) and 45.9.