Public Reporting

What are my obligations to report real-time data? (e.g., Part 43 data)

Public Reporting: Data reported to the Swap Data Repository

For all transactions which require real-time reporting under Part 43 of CFTC rules, SDR Clients submitting data are required to report all fields required by Appendix A to Part 43 of CFTC rules, in accordance with the KOR SDR Technical Specifications.

In reporting Swap Transaction and Pricing Data to the Swap Data Repository, each Reporting Counterparty, SEF, or DCM making such report shall satisfy the Data Validation Procedures of KOR SDR.

In reporting Swap Transaction and Pricing Data, each Reporting Counterparty, SEF, or DCM shall use the facilities, methods, or data standards required by KOR SDR.

KOR SDR specifies its required fields and validations in the KOR SDR Technical Specification.

References: CFTC Rule(s) §43.3(d)

Public Reporting: Data Validation Acceptance Message

KOR SDR shall validate each Swap Transaction and Pricing Data report submitted to the Swap Data Repository and notify the Reporting Counterparty, SEF, or DCM submitting the report whether the report satisfied the Data Validation Procedures of the Swap Data Repository ASATP after accepting the Swap Transaction and Pricing Data report. After each submission, the submitting Client will be returned a response message that indicates if the submission was valid or not. Users will also have the ability to query all error messages and submission logs maintained by KOR SDR. All error messages will clearly state what part of the KOR SDR Technical Specifications validations failed.

If a Swap Transaction and Pricing Data report submitted to a Swap Data Repository does not satisfy the Data Validation Procedures of the Swap Data Repository, the Reporting Counterparty, SEF, or DCM required to submit the report has not satisfied its obligation to report Swap Transaction and Pricing Data in the manner provided in the KOR SDR Technical Specifications. The Reporting Counterparty, SEF, or DCM has not satisfied its obligation until it submits the Swap Transaction and Pricing Data report, which satisfies the Data Validation Procedures of KOR SDR.

References: CFTC Rule(s) §43.3(f)