Regulations and Requirements

What are the important Monetary Authority of Singapore regulations

You'll find links to documents outlining specifications for derivatives reporting to a Singapore TR below.

Securities And Futures (Reporting Of Derivatives Contracts) Regulations 2013 

Regulations setting out reporting requirements for OTC counterparties for OTC derivatives. 

FAQs on the Securities and Futures (Reporting of Derivatives Contracts) Regulations 2013 - Link

Implementation of the reporting obligations for requirements set out under the Securities And Futures (Reporting Of Derivatives Contracts) Regulations for OTC Derivatives.

Consultation Paper on Proposed Amendments to the Securities & Futures (Reporting of Derivatives Contracts) Regulations - Link

This consultation seeks views on the proposed amendments to the Securities and Futures (Reporting of Derivatives Contracts) Regulations 2013. The proposed amendments aim to facilitate the aggregation of OTC derivatives data through standardisation and harmonisation of data elements by incorporating CPMI-IOSCO’s technical guidance on the harmonisation of the unique transaction identifier, unique product identifier and other critical data elements.

More Helpful Resources: 

CPMI-IOSCO waterfall - Link

UTI Generation Flowchart strictly following CPMI-IOSCO waterfall - Link