
What are the allowed action/event type combinations?


The table below, ‘Valid Action type and Event type combinations’, displays all valid and allowable combinations for Action type [#26] and Event type [#27] allowable values. Rows list all allowable Action types and columns list all allowable Event types. White and gray boxes with a check symbol () indicate if the given combination is allowed for part 43 and/or part 45 reporting. All other combinations are expected to be rejected by the SDRs. For guidance on publicly reportable swap transactions, refer to § 43.2 (a).

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90 This event type is allowed for P43 as some risk reduction exercises may result in a publicly reportable transaction.

91 Correct (CORR), Error (EROR), and Revive (REVI) Action types do not associate with any Event type and are allowed for both part 43 and part 45 reporting. Valuation (VALU) and Collateral (MARU) Action types also do not associate with any Event type and are allowed only for part 45 end-of-day reporting.

92 Any live or dead (terminated or expired) swap can be transferred out except for the swaps that are previously reported as an error. Once a swap is reported as 'transfer out' to a SDR no further submission is allowed to the same SDR for that swap unless the transaction is transferred back in to the same SDR. Combination ‘NEWT-PTNG’ should be used in this case.