
Submission Controls

An overview of the metrics, details, actions and controls available for Submissions

Submissions are individual records that are received from a client system.

Within an Ingestion, you can see the number of Submissions that were received. In order to check

Automated ("API") checks on submissions

In order to review submissions over the API, you will first need to retrieve the list of submissions. (Get a list of submissions) Each eligibility check will return a status. 


For those submissions in any failed status, you can use the ID to return the details including the specific error. (Get the details of a submission

The API response will provide the details of the error that will need to be remediated. Please see the API page for details of the response contents. 

Manual Submission Checks

The best way to review any issues with submissions is to use the Issues tab in the UI. This is intended to be a burndown that should be cleared on a daily basis. In some jurisdictions, issues remaining for longer than 7 days will be reported to the regulator.


For more information on the Issues component, click here

Another way to monitor submissions is by utilizing our Sankey dashboard. This visualization provides a high level view of the path of all submissions. You can click into any individual section to understand the population of submissions in that category.