Cross-Border Activities

Singapore: If a derivatives contract is subject to reporting in multiple jurisdictions, can the trade be taken to have been reported in Singapore when reported elsewhere?

If a derivatives contract is subject to reporting in multiple jurisdictions, can the trade be taken to have been reported in Singapore as long as it has been reported in a foreign jurisdiction?

As long as a derivatives contract is subject to reporting obligations in Singapore, it has to  be reported to a trade repository licensed by MAS. For example, if a reporting entity is a  Singapore branch of a foreign incorporated entity and the reporting entity has a  reportable derivatives contract that is already included in its Head Office’s reporting  under a foreign jurisdiction’s reporting obligations, the same derivatives contract is still  required to be reported to a trade repository licensed by MAS.  

In the case where the Head Office has reported the derivatives contract to a trade  repository licensed by MAS, the trade repository should be made aware that the  derivatives contract is also being reported pursuant to reporting obligations in Singapore.