Identifying Reportable Derivatives Contracts
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  3. Identifying Reportable Derivatives Contracts

Singapore: For derivatives contracts such as contract for differences (CFDs), are reporting entities allowed to submit a position report that captures the lifecycle of the contract?

Derivatives contracts such as CFDs typically do not have a specified maturity date, and  counterparties to the contract are able to close out the contract partially or fully at any  moment in time and over any period of time. 

MAS notes that in certain jurisdictions, it is the practice for reporting entities to report  contracts such as CFDs in a manner where a report for the position of the derivatives contract is submitted in addition to a transactional report for the derivatives contract. To  facilitate harmonisation of practices, for contracts such as CFDs, reporting entities may  choose to adopt similar manner, which is to submit a position-levelreport indicated under  “INCP - inclusion to position” under the “Event type” in addition to a report submitted for  the transaction, modification, termination or expiry of the contract.