Identifying Reporting Obligations
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  3. Identifying Reporting Obligations

Singapore: Who is a significant derivatives holder (SDH)? When does a person become an SDH?

An SDH is a person who meets all of the following conditions:  

  1. he is not licensed by MAS (i.e. does not meet paragraphs (a) to (g) of the  definition of “specified person” in section 124 of the SFA);  
  2. he is a resident in Singapore; and 
  3. his aggregate gross notional amount of specified derivatives contracts which  are booked or traded in Singapore for the year exceeds $8 billion. 

The aggregate gross notional amount for the year is to be assessed on the last day of  every quarter. 

When a person meets all the conditions listed above, he – 

  1. is required to lodge with MAS a notification in Form 1A within 2 months  from the date on which he meets all the conditions; and  
  2. will be given 3 months (from the date on which he meets all the conditions)  to prepare to meet the reporting obligations. This means that at the end of  the 3-month period, he becomes an SDH and his reporting obligations  commences. 

For example, if a person meets all the conditions on 31 March 2021, (i) he is required to  lodge Form 1A with MAS latest by 31 May 2021, (ii) he becomes a SDH on 1 July 2021, and  (iii) his reporting obligations as an SDH commence on 1 July 2021. 

Form 1A is available on MAS website at this link. Please submit the soft copy of the  completed Form 1A via email to, and attention the email to  Capital Markets Intermediaries Department III. 


  • Section 124 of the SFA 
  • Regulation 6 of the SF(RDC)R