Reportable Fields
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Related Futures Contract (e.g., CFTC Public Masking Indicator)

CFTC Commodities Only Field


Reporting Client is required to submit the field with a value applicable to the asset class per CFTC Rule §43.6(c), or the value of “Not Covered” where the underlier is not covered.

Allowed Value List


For off facility swaps in the other commodities Asset Class, the public message must include the additional field [Related Futures Contract] which must be populated with either (1) a value from Part 43 Appendix B list, or (2) the value of “No Related Futures Contract”.

Note: the Transaction message must also include this information to be inline with the CFTC Guidebook and should be reported as the public message was reported. 

This field allows

  1. SDR to validate when to mask the UPI and underlying identifier(s).

For swaps submitted with a value of “No Related Futures Contract” the Reporting Counterparty must provide the masking data in order for the swap to be accurately disseminated. This includes the fields below. Note: this is driven based on the UPI and if there is a single underlier or two.

a.      [Commodity swap category] / [Other Commodity swap category] which must be populated with a valid value from Part 43 Appendix D,; and

b.    [Commodity region] / [Other Commodity region] which must be populated with a valid value from Part 43 Appendix E1 or E2.

When field [Related Futures Contract] is NOT “No Related Futures Contract” the fields [Reference rate] and [Other reference rate] are disseminated as submitted.

When field [Related Futures Contract]  = “No Related Futures Contract” the fields [Reference rate] and [Other reference rate] are disseminated as the submitted values in the applicable fields: "[Commodity swap category] value - [Commodity region] value" , "[Other Commodity swap category] value - [Other Commodity region] value".

References: CFTC Rule(s) §43.4(c), Part 43 Appendix BD, and E.


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