Best Practices

Platform Identifier


Platform Identifier is defined as “Identifier of the trading facility (e.g., exchange, multilateral trading facility, swap execution facility) on which the transaction was executed.”

The industry WG plan the below approach for reporting #98, given the information available. Is the planned approach within expectations? 

CFTC Feedback:

On the proposed approach, CFTC Staff noted they would discuss further internally, including the example provided below, and would try to come back with some further guidance, however they noted that they did not believe they would be able to provide a “cut and dried” answer.

• However: ⎯ Staff did note that they did not anticipate that XOFF or XXXX would be used, so they therefore added BILT; ⎯ On the question of whether listed products means MAT products, CFTC staff will check and come back.

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