Best Practices

Persisting data elements


Our understanding is that the fields in the below table would remain the same (“persist”) for the life of a UTI and will not change when there is a lifecycle event on the UTI. Is this in line with CFTC’s expectation? 

Field Persist Rational CFTC Feedback
Platform Identifier  Yes Under EMIR, the industry will persist the Venue of Execution value (except for compression events). We propose the same for CFTC reporting of Platform Identifier #98 (i.e. the MIC used in Platform ID #98 would persist for posttrade events, except for compression events which results in the issuance of new UTIs. Is this in line with CFTC’s expectation?  CFTC responded that if a post-trade event creates a new UTI, then this ID would not persist. Otherwise, the ID would persist for posttrade events that do not result in a new UTI.
Package Identifier  Yes

The industry believes that Package Identifier #46 reported on the original new trade should persist through the life of the trade, even for post-trade events. Is this in line with CFTC’s expectation?

For example, where an RCP originally reported a Package that consisted of three trades, then the RCP subsequently executes a bilaterally agreed post trade event on only one of them, is it CFTC’s expectation that the original package ID should be persisted on this trade?

CFTC responded that if a post-trade event creates a new UTI, then this ID would not persist. Otherwise, the ID would persist for posttrade events that do not result in a new UTI.
Prime Brokerage Transaction Indicator  Yes Market participants believe that #99 would remain the same for the life of a UTI; #99 would not change when there is a lifecycle event (such as an amendment) on such UTI. Is this in line with CFTC’s expectation?  CFTC responded that if a post-trade event creates a new UTI, then this ID would not persist. Otherwise, the ID would persist for posttrade events that do not result in a new UTI.