Transaction Reporting: Data reported to Swap Data Repositories

In reporting required swap creation data and required swap continuation data to KOR SDR, each Reporting Counterparty, SEF, DCM, and DCO shall report the Swap Data elements in part 45 appendix 1 in the form and manner provided in the technical specifications published by the Commission. In addition, the submitting Client shall report any additional fields as prescribed by KOR SDR in the form and manner provided in the KOR Technical Specifications (as defined in the KOR Technical Specifications).

In reporting required swap creation data and required swap continuation data to KOR SDR, each Reporting Counterparty, SEF, DCM, and DCO making such report shall satisfy the Swap Data Validation Procedures of KOR SDR.

In reporting Swap Data to KOR SDR, each Reporting Counterparty, SEF, DCM, and DCO shall use the facilities, methods, or data standards provided or required by KOR SDR.

The fields, validations, and methods are published in the KOR SDR Technical Specifications.

References: CFTC Rule(s) §45.13(a)(1), 45.13(a)(2), and 45.13(a)(3).