Continuation and Updates

When do I have to report Life-cycle event data?

Reporting Counterparty is a SD, MSP, or DCO

If the Reporting Counterparty is a SD, MSP, or DCO, the Reporting Counterparty shall report life-cycle event data electronically to KOR SDR per the KOR SDR Technical Specifications not later than the end of the next Business Day following the day that any life-cycle event occurred, with the sole exception that life-cycle event data relating to a corporate event of the non-Reporting Counterparty shall be reported not later than the end of the second Business Day following the day that such corporate event occurred.

References: CFTC Rule(s) §45.4(c)(1)(i).

Reporting Counterparty is a Non-SD/MSP/DCO

If the Reporting Counterparty is a non-SD/MSP/DCO counterparty, the Reporting Counterparty shall report life-cycle event data electronically to KOR SDR per the KOR SDR Technical Specifications not later than the end of the second Business Day following the day that any life-cycle event occurred.

References: CFTC Rule(s) §45.4(c)(1)(ii).

Canada TR Reporting

The Reporting Counterparty shall report life-cycle event data electronically to KOR TR per the KOR TR Technical Specifications by the end of the Business Day on which the life-cycle event occurs. If it is not technologically practicable, then it must be reported not later than the end of the next Business Day following the day that any life-cycle event occurred.  The end of business day report may include multiple life-cycle events that occurred on that day.


Timeliness calculations