KOR Defined Terms

Note: where the term UTI is used, it generally means USI where a trade was executed before UTI implementation.




Administrative User

All Clients must indicate at least two Administrative Users. These Users manage all other User's access to the KOR system.


Authorized Access Client

A Client that has been authorized to access other Client’s data, but not submit data on its behalf.



All-encompassing term for a company who has executed all applicable KOR Agreements. Includes Reporting Counterparty, Related Entity, 3rd Party Reporter, Verification and Authorized Access Client types.


Delegated Reporter

Related Entities and Third-Party Reporters are together referred to as Delegated Reporters.


KOR entity identifier

The identifier under which a Client is known within the KOR SDR.


KOR SDR Technical Specification

Detailed information on the connection and integration to KOR SDR for submission, access and reports


KOR SDR User Guide

Functional and operational information for the use of the SDR


On Facility

Any swap executed on an execution facility (e.g., SEF, DCM, FBOT)



Primary Regulator, Delegated Regulator, Appropriate Domestic Regulator or Foreign Regulator that has approved access to KOR SDR.


Related Entity

Related Entity is a Client that is part of the same corporate family, where the shared parent has controlling interest, or is in a fiduciary relationship with the Reporting Counterparty.


SDR User Interface

Web interface to access data, entity information and manage Users/access.


SDR Website

Public website where Clients and non-Clients can access any SDR public information as well as Agreements to become a Client.


SDR Regulations

Rules and regulations under CFTC Rule(s) 17§49, §45, §43, and §40.


Third-party Reporter

Company that has executed the KOR Client Agreement and the applicable addendum but are not a counterparty or party to a swap. Reporting Counterparty Clients must permission them to submit data on their behalf.




Person or system with SDR access at a Client or Regulator


Verification Client

A company who has executed the applicable KOR Agreement, but is not accessed to submit data, only view data or permission other Clients to submit or view data on their behalf.