
How to set up automated alerts?

KOR's API functionality provides real time information enabling clients to set up alerting.

KOR's RS APIs are set up to provide the client with flexibility to monitor and track all data and dataflows. Here are some sample scenarios that can be used to set up alerts. 

KOR API Documentation

  1. Monitoring Ingestion Feedback 
    1. Clients should set up a process that checks if an ingestion has been successfully processed. In the case where an ingestion has still not processed after 5 minutes, it is advised to escalate to 
  2. Monitoring Metrics
    1. Metrics of record counts by type and status is available at each component endpoint. If an expected record count does not match the metric provided by the endpoint it is advisable to set up an internal alert for further investigation. 
  3. Monitoring Outputs
    1. To comply with regulations, it is crucial to monitor any external reporting outside of KOR. This will give operations ample time to investigate and address any issues that may arise.