Timeliness calculations - Singapore (MAS)

Below you will find KOR's calculations for timeliness in the MAS TR.

  • localhost_4400_iframe.html_args=&id=timelinesscomponent--validated-on-time&viewMode=story - an accepted message that was reported on time
  • localhost_4400_iframe.html_args=&id=timelinesscomponent--rejected-time-left&viewMode=story - any message where there is more than 15 minutes left to report 
  • localhost_4400_iframe.html_args=&id=timelinesscomponent--rejected-near-late&viewMode=story - any message with less than 15 minutes to report or any other message where there is less than 1 hour left to report
  • localhost_4400_iframe.html_args=&id=timelinesscomponent--validated-past-due&viewMode=story means the submission is late
  • localhost_4400_iframe.html_args=&id=timelinesscomponent--not-applicable&viewMode=story (1) means calculating timeliness does not apply for the message
  • localhost_4400_iframe.html_args=&id=timelinesscomponent--cant-calculate&viewMode=story means missing and/or invalid values were submitted for the fields needed to calculate timeliness

In general, data elements for the MAS TR are required to be reported on or before T+2. In scope events include execution, termination, amendments and valuations. Collateral reporting for Significant Derivatives Holders (barring exemptions) is in scope on the proposed amendments to the current implementation. 

Please see the SAF 2013 Third Schedule for a detailed breakdown of when data elements are required to be reported. 

For more information on what constitutes a business day, please see the help article on that topic here

Transaction Messages: 



KOR Required submission timestamp

First Schedule

  • Message type = Transaction
  • Action type = NEWT
  • Event type ≠ PTNG

2 business days following the execution date (date portion of execution timestamp)

Valuation Messages: 



KOR Required submission timestamp

First Schedule

  • Message type = Valuation
  • Action type = VALU

EOD of the day 2 business days after the valuation date

Collateral Messages: (Note: Collateral is not in scope for the current implementation but listed on the Consultation Paper for proposed amendments. ) 


Action Type 

KOR Required submission timestamp

First Schedule

  • Message type = Collateral
  • Action type = COLU

EOD of the day 2 business days after the collateral date