Public Reporting

How does public reporting work in the Canadian Jurisdiction?

KOR Publicly disseminates both aggregate and real time transaction level data on our website. This is available free of charge per OSC requirements.

KOR's public data for the Canadian TR is disseminated on KOR's website.

You will find both Position and Transaction level data for all asset classes. 

Time delays for public dissemination of transaction and pricing data

KOR TR must disseminate the publicly reportable messages 48 hours after the time and date represented by the execution timestamp field of the transaction.

Transaction Data 

Only those transactions with the Asset Class and Underlying Asset Identifiers fields listed in the Table below are subject to the public dissemination requirement

Asset Class

Underlying Asset Identifier


Interest Rate


means all tenors of the Canadian Dollar Offered Rate (CDOR). CDOR is a financial benchmark for bankers’ acceptances with a term to maturity of one year or less currently calculated and administered by Thomson Reuters.



means all tenors of the U.S. Dollar ICE LIBOR. ICE LIBOR is a benchmark currently administered by ICE Benchmark Administration and provides an indication of the average rate at which a contributor bank can obtain unsecured funding in the London interbank market for a given period, in a given currency.



means all tenors of the Euro Interbank Offered Rate (Euribor). Euribor is a reference rate published by the European Banking Authority based on the average interest rates at which selected European prime banks borrow funds from one another.



means all tenors of the GBP Pound Sterling ICE LIBOR. ICE LIBOR is a benchmark currently administered by ICE Benchmark Administration providing an indication of the average rate at which a contributor bank can obtain unsecured funding in the London interbank market for a given period, in a given currency.


All Indexes

means any statistical measure of a group of assets that is administered by an organization that is not affiliated with the counterparties and whose value and calculation methodologies are publicly available.   Examples of indexes that would satisfy this meaning are underlying assets that would be included in ISDA’s Unique Product Identifier Taxonomy under the categories of (i) Index and Index Tranche for credit products.


All Indexes

means any statistical measure of a group of assets that is administered by an organization that is not affiliated with the counterparties and whose value and calculation methodologies are publicly available.   Examples of indexes that would satisfy this meaning are underlying assets that would be included in ISDA’s Unique Product Identifier Taxonomy under the categories of the Single Index category for equity products.

Notwithstanding items above, each of the following is excluded from the requirement to be publicly disseminated:

  1. a transaction in a derivative that requires the exchange of more than one currency;

  2. a transaction resulting from a bilateral or multilateral portfolio compression exercise;

  3. a transaction resulting from novation by a recognized or exempt clearing agency (As a result, with respect to transactions involving a recognized or exempt clearing agency, the public dissemination requirements apply only to transactions entered into by the recognized or exempt clearing agency on its own behalf.);

Public dissemination is not required for life-cycle events that do not contain new price information compared to the derivatives data reported initially reported for the transaction.

Aggregate Data 

KOR TR must, on a periodic basis, create and make available to the public, at no cost, aggregate data on open positions, volume, number and, where applicable, price, relating to the transactions reported to it pursuant to Applicable Regulations and orders.

The periodic aggregate data made available to the public must be complemented at a minimum by breakdowns, where applicable, by currency of denomination (the currency in which the derivative is denominated), geographic location of reference entity or asset (e.g., Canada for derivatives which reference the TSX60 index), asset class (e.g., fixed income, credit, or equity), contract/product type (e.g., options, forwards, or swaps), maturity (broken down into maturity ranges, such as less than one year, 1-2 years, 2-3 years), and whether the transaction is cleared.

Relevant Regulations

Per OSC Rule 91-507: Data available to public

39. (1)    A designated trade repository must, on a periodic basis, create and make available to the public, at no cost, aggregate data on open positions, volume, number and, where applicable, price, relating to the transactions reported to it pursuant to this Rule.

(2)          The periodic aggregate data made available to the public pursuant to subsection (1) must be complemented at a minimum by breakdowns, where applicable, by currency of denomination, geographic location of reference entity or asset, asset class, contract type, maturity and whether the transaction is cleared.

(3)          For each transaction reported pursuant to this Rule, a designated trade repository must make transaction level reports available to the public at no cost, in accordance with the requirements in Appendix C.

(4)          In disclosing transaction level reports required by subsection (3), a designated trade repository must not disclose the identity of either counterparty to the transaction.

(5)          A designated trade repository must make the data required to be made available to the public under this section available in a usable form through a publicly accessible website or other publicly accessible technology or medium.

(6)          Despite subsections (1) to (5), a designated trade repository is not required to make public any derivatives data for transactions entered into between affiliated companies as defined under subsection 1(2) of the Act.