How to use

How do I use the Ingestions UI?

The Ingestions component serves as the main entry point to the KOR platform, allowing clients to submit one or multiple submissions for processing.

Within the user interface, users can manually upload Ingestions by clicking on the Upload New File button.

After uploading an ingestion, users can access the following metrics and details:

- Status: Indicates whether the ingestion was successful or failed

- Started: Shows the time when processing began

- Completed: Displays the time when processing was finished

- [Re] Processed: Indicates if the ingestion was reprocessed, along with the reprocessing timestamp

- Ingestion ID: An identifier assigned to the ingestion, which can be used to retrieve all associated submissions

- Submission[s]: The number of identified and failed records within the ingestion, with the option to view underlying submissions by clicking on it.