Commodities Products

How do I submit virtual currency products?

What asset class?

KOR recommends that virtual currency trades be reported under the commodities asset class.

Can you add crypto currencies to the currency fields?

Unfortunately, no. The ISO 4217 currency list does not include these and the CFTC Technical Specification restrict the allowed values to the ISO list. 

It is important to KOR that we support accurate reporting of crypto products even where there are ISO restrictions. As such, we have added "additional" currency fields. When a currency field should be submitted as a crypto code but cannot we recommend reporting the ISO currency value of "XXX" and the actual crypto code in the "Additional" currency field.  The following fields currently support this:

Additional Notional Currency Leg 1

Additional Notional Currency Leg 2

Additional Call Currency Leg 1

Additional Call Currency Leg 2

Additional Put Currency Leg 1

Additional Put Currency Leg 2

Additional Package Transaction Price Currency 

Additional Package Transaction Spread Currency 

Additional Other Payment Currency 

Additional Price Currency 

Additional Spread Currency Leg 1

Additional Spread Currency Leg 2

Additional Strike Price Currency/Currency Pair 

Additional Option Premium Currency 

Additional Settlement Currency Leg 1

Additional Settlement Currency Leg 2

Additional Valuation Currency 

Are there any unique attributes that I need to be aware of when reporting virtual currency products?


  1. For products, as the allowed values for the fields under Underlying asset or underlying contract type do not have a virtual currency representation, KOR has added the following values:
    1. For [Underlying asset or underlying contract type] the submitted value should always be "VIRT". 
    2. For [Underlying asset subtype or underlying contract subtype] the applicable virtual currency value should be reported.  Allowed List
  2. As commodities products require a notional quantity unit and/or price unit of measure to be submitted and the allowed value list only allows for ISO units, KOR recommends submitting "LOTS" and then populating the KOR field [Additional Quantity Unit of Measure] and/or [Additional Price Unit Of Measure] with the applicable virtual currency (list). 
    1. Note: where a fractional unit is traded, the conversion to a full unit should be done before reporting the notional quantity.