Commodities Products

How do I report the Underlying asset or underlying contract type and related fields?

Field translations:

  • Underlying asset or underlying contract type = Base product
  • Underlying asset subtype or underlying contract subtype = Sub product
  • Underlying asset additional subtype or underlying contract subtype = Additional Sub Product

When submitting the underlying asset/contract type fields it is important that they are ordered correctly so that two identical products are not created with simply the inverse of the values. As such, the field "Underlying asset or underlying contract type leg" must also be populated when Underlying asset or underlying contract type and Other underlying asset or underlying contract type are submitted to indicate which field is leg 1 vs. leg 2.

Order alphabetically the combination string of “Base Product + Sub Product + Additional Sub Product +  Reference Rate” and “Other Base Product + Other Sub Product + Other Additional Sub Product + Other  Reference Rate”. 

  • If “Base Product” and “Other Base Product” are different – alphabetically order them. The Base Product should  be the first alphabetically and Other Base Product the second alphabetically. The associated attributes (Sub  Product + Additional Sub Product + Reference Rate) are then moved as part of the normalization. 
  • If Base Product and Other Base Product are the same, and if “Sub product” and “Other Sub product” are  different – alphabetically order them. The Sub Product should be the first alphabetically and Other Sub Product  the second alphabetically. The associated attributes (Additional Sub Product + Reference Rate) are then moved  as part of the normalization. 
  • If Base Product and Sub Product are the same as Other Base Product and Other Sub Product, and if “Additional  Sub Product” and “Other Additional Sub product” are different – alphabetically order them. The Additional Sub  Product should be the first alphabetically and Other Additional Sub Product the second alphabetically. The  associated Reference Rate is then moved as part of the normalization.
  • If “Base Product/ Sub Product/ Additional Sub Product” and “Other Base Product/ Other Sub Product/ Other  Additional Sub Product” are the same, alphabetically order Reference Rate and Other Reference Rate.

The below tables represent the applicable field ordering.

Link to airtable view