How do I get an overview of my message counts?

Reporting Services - Dashboard - Overview


The overview dashboard provides users a of a view of how their data is moving through the system. 

  1. How did the data come into the KOR platform?
    1. Is a count of submissions by client trade identifier
      1. Auto- system-generated submission (e.g. API or SFTP)
      2. Manual- user uploaded file or manual trade entry
  2. Eligibility submission status
    1.  Is a count of unique submissions to be assessed for eligibility 
      1. Eligibility Completed - message was successful and eligibility could be fully determined
      2. Eligibility Failed - part or all of the submission failed eligibility checks and could not continue processing
  1. Eligibility check results
    1. Is a count of submissions and reportable messages to be generated (e.g., 1 submission could be reportable to multiple jurisdictions (e.g., CFTC and ESMA) and message types (e.g., P43 and P45)
      1. Reportable - Where my entity has a reporting obligation
      2. Not Reportable - where my entity does not have a reporting obligation, this does not mean that the transaction was not reportable by another party to the transaction
      3. Reportable With Errors - where my entity does have a reporting obligation within one at least one mandate and at least one other mandate could not be assessed due to an error. 
      4. Not Reportable With Errors - where my entity does not have a reporting obligation within at least one mandate and at least one other mandate could not be assessed due to an error.  
      5. Global Error - all mandates failed to be assessed due to errors. 
  2. Regulatory KDM Message creation results
    1. Is a count of messages generated (by reportable jurisdiction + CP1 + message type (e.g., Public, Transaction, Valuation, Collateral). If my entity is reporting on behalf of both entities two messages would be created and counted. 
      1. Validated - message was generated and passed all validation checks
      2. Rejected - message was generated and failed one or more validation checks
  3. Output results
    1. Is a count of validated messages generated by reportable jurisdiction  + CP1 + message type + endpoint (e.g., the TR sent to)
      1. [End Point} - Submitted - message was created, sent to the endpoint TR but KOR has yet to receive a response
      1. Reported - message was created, sent to, and accepted by the endpoint TR
      2. Rejected - message was created, sent to, but rejected by the endpoint TR

Can I view the data in a more granular way?

Yes, the dashboard filters allow you to view slices of the data. 

Data can be filtered by: 

1. Jurisdiction

2. Asset class 

3. Message Type 

4. Submitting Entity

5. My Entity Identifier 

6. My Entity Identifier Source 

7. Other Entity Identifier 

8. Other Entity Identifier Source 

9. User ID 

10. Time Period