Agreements & Onboarding

How do I complete the onboarding ?

As part of onboarding, the main contact for the firm will have received an email containing a link to the Onboarding Form. Please populate this form with the entity details for onboarding and provide the details to set up your two administrative users.

What do these entity terms mean?

Entity Information

  • Client Group Name (and LEI): When your client registered with GLEIF they should have also registered the entity structure and indicated the ultimate parent. If this was done, then that parent name and LEI should be populated. If not, the Parent entity name that would be used to link related entities should be submitted here.
    • This is very important to set up correctly so that users can be shared across entities within the same parent group. 
  • Entity Short Name: this is just a short name for your entity name that is broadly used and known within your entity
  • Email Domain:  this is your @XXX.XXX used for your entity emails, it is used for security purposes. All users for your entity must be set up with an email that matches this domain. You may add additional domains once you login the system. 
  • Time zone & Daylight Savings Applies: As CFTC timeliness reporting calculations are based off the reporting entity's "business day" timezone is important to capture. 

Admin User Information

What the the requirements of an Administrator User? 

Please note:
  • as an entity is required to have two admin users, the main Admin user selected on this form should create the second admin user once they have been granted access.
  • admin users are set up with their office location as the headquarters address in GLEIF. Once you login you will need to add the appropriate addresses and associate your user to the correct office address if it is not HQ. 


API Users Set Up

This form will need to be completed to capture the API User Form so that KOR can generate your API user. 

Before completing this form, please create a group distribution email for your API user that will need to receive any technical notifications.