Public Reporting

How are values rounded on the public dissemination/ticker?

Why are values rounded on the ticker?

KOR SDR has implemented rounding and capping practices consistent with CFTC Rules 43.4(f) and (g). KOR SDR will disseminate the notional or principal amounts of a publicly reportable swap transaction subject to rounding as set forth in 43.4(f)  and cap size as set forth in 43.4(g)^19.

References: CFTC Rule(s) §43.4(e).

43.4(g)^19:  KOR SDR shall update its rounding and capping logic per 43.4(h) when and as published by the Commission.

Rounding Rules

Notional or principal amount less than

Rounding precision



5 (5 minimum value to be disseminated)

If the notional or principal amount is less than one thousand, round to nearest five, but in no case shall a publicly disseminated notional or principal amount be less than five;



If the notional or principal amount is less than 10 thousand but equal to or greater than one thousand, round to nearest one hundred;



If the notional or principal amount is less than 100 thousand but equal to or greater than 10 thousand, round to nearest one thousand;



If the notional or principal amount is less than one million but equal to or greater than 100 thousand, round to nearest 10 thousand;



If the notional or principal amount is less than 100 million but equal to or greater than one million, round to the nearest one million;



If the notional or principal amount is less than 500 million but equal to or greater than 100 million, round to the nearest 10 million;



If the notional or principal amount is less than one billion but equal to or greater than 500 million, round to the nearest 50 million;



If the notional or principal amount is less than 100 billion but equal to or greater than one billion, round to the nearest 100 million;



If the notional or principal amount is equal to or greater than 100 billion, round to the nearest 10 billion.

General rules for rounding:

  • if the number being rounded is less than 1000, round to the nearest 5

  • If the number you are rounding is followed by 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, round the number up. Example: 38 rounded to the nearest ten is 40

  • If the number you are rounding is followed by 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, round the number down. Example: 33 rounded to the nearest ten is 30

  • in no case shall a publicly disseminated notional or principal amount be less than five

  • if capping applies then the capping number will be disseminated, and rounding will not apply.

How do I know the disseminated value?

When the message contains populated values in one or more of the field(s) named below, KOR will calculate the value that should be disseminated and store it in a separate field. 

Submitted Field

KOR Assigned Field

Notional amount- Leg 1

Disseminated Notional amount- Leg 1

Notional amount- Leg 2

Disseminated Notional amount- Leg 2

Notional amount schedule - notional amount in effect on associated effective date-Leg 1

Disseminated Notional amount schedule - notional amount in effect on associated effective date - Leg 1

Notional amount schedule - notional amount in effect on associated effective date-Leg 2

Disseminated Notional amount schedule - notional amount in effect on associated effective date - Leg 2

Call amount-Leg 1

Disseminated Call amount-Leg 1

Call amount-Leg 2

Disseminated Call amount-Leg 2

Put amount-Leg 1

Disseminated Put amount-Leg 1

Put amount-Leg 2

Disseminated Put amount-Leg 2

Notional quantity- Leg 1

Disseminated Notional quantity- Leg 1

Notional quantity- Leg 2

Disseminated Notional quantity- Leg 2

Total notional quantity-Leg 1

Disseminated Total notional quantity-Leg 1

Total notional quantity-Leg 2

Disseminated Total notional quantity-Leg 2

Other payment amount

Disseminated Other payment amount