
KOR + Droit Eligibility

Functionality and data available in KOR/Droit's reporting eligibility service

For each submission in the KOR RS system, our Eligibility service will assess reportability based on configured mandates. 

By conducting comprehensive eligibility checks and implementing robust controls, market participants can mitigate the risk of over or under reporting when submitting trade data to trade repositories. 

KOR offers integration with Droit’s Adept Platform to enhance eligibility checks for comprehensive trade reporting. Through this integration, clients can leverage Droit’s advanced capabilities to ensure accurate and compliant reporting of trade data. 

      1. KOR/Droit Offering Overview:
        1. Counterparty Identification: Verify if the trade is applicable by jurisdiction based on counterparty attributes.
        2. Product Classification: Confirm that the reported trade matches the eligible products specified by regulatory authorities. This includes verifying the product type, asset class, and specific instrument characteristics against regulatory guidelines.
        3. Message Type Verification: It is important that the Client’s designation per jurisdiction and the applicable jurisdiction regulations are accounted for so that all public, transaction, valuation, and collateral messages are either submitted or suppressed.

Reviewing the results of eligibility determinations is possible in a few ways - 

How to use the Eligibility UI?

How to identify fields applicable to eligibility?


1. Eligibility UI 

At a submission level, it is possible to view the eligibility results from the mandates assessed. 

Decision Details 

  • What mandates is this transaction reportable under? (out of the ones assessed) 
  • What are the regulatory approved endpoints for this mandate? 
  • What is the required reporting timeframe and timeliness of this submission? 
  • Who is the reporting party? 
  • What scopes were checked, and were they in scope or out of scope? 

Trade Details 

  • What are all of the data fields and values on the submission that was assessed? 
  • What was the response from Droit? 

Original Input

  • What was the raw input that was sent to the Droit engine? 

2. Eligibility API

All of the above information is also available over API. The details of this are available here

3. Eligibility Reports 

Users have access to reports that allow them to analyze the outcomes of eligibility assessments. These reports can be customized with specific parameters and run on an ad hoc basis for flexibility and convenience.

For more information on how to set up reports, click here.