Collateral and Margin

Can I report Collateral at both Transaction and/or Portfolio level ?

YES!! Collateral can be reported both at Transaction and/or Portfolio level. Initial Margin and Variation Margin are both required for CFTC reporting. KOR has introduced two fields to indicate which of the margins are reported at a Transaction vs Portfolio level. 

1. <initialMarginCollateralPortfolioCodeIndicator>

2. <variationMarginCollateralPortfolioCodeIndicator>

The above fields are boolean type and can accept a "true" or "false" values. When the value is set to "false", it is meant that the margin is reported at a transaction level and its associated portfolio code field must be populated with "TRANSACTIONLEVEL". When the value is set to "true", then the margin must be reported at a portfolio level and its associated portfolio code field must be populated with the portfolio code created for that counterparty.